Ferrara is located in the Po Valley about 50 km from the sea and a few km from the Po river.
In every corner of the city you can see the character of the capital of the Renaissance.
Even today it retains a unique urban planning that harmoniously blends the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and was the first modern city in Europe. Precisely for this characteristic it has been recognized by Unesco as a World Heritage Site.
Ferrara It is defined as the city of bicycles.
Here are 5 things to do absolutely if you go to Ferrara:
-Castello Estense, dates back to 1385 by the Marquis Nicolò II d'Este.
Over the years the castle has had various functions: it was the seat of the Este militias with stables, armories, warehouses, workshops and everything needed by the small army that stayed there, and then transformed into a noble residence where the life of the Este court took place. , one of the most important families in Europe with a particular predilection for art.
-The Cathedral, is the most religious place in Ferrara and was dedicated to San Giorgio.
At the center of the portal is depicted St. George killing the Dragon below which there are scenes from the life of Christ.
-Palazzo dei Diamanti, so called because it is made up of 8500 blocks of white marble streaked with pink.
This structure was designed in 1493 by Biagio Rossetti to create unusual perspectives and light effects.
-Via delle Volte, for lovers of photography, rarefied atmospheres or romantics this is the right way for them.
Once, before the course of the Po was diverted, this medieval road carried out a commercial function; in fact here were the houses of the traders who trafficked with the rest of Italy across the river.
- Finding ourselves in the middle of Emilia but on the border with Veneto, Ferrara cuisine is excellent between the two.
A typical first course is the macaroni pie served with ragù, mushrooms or truffles.
A second typical dish is the Salama da Sugo composed of pork sausage, liver, pork tongue, pork rinds flavored with spices and red wine.