Discovering the typical foods of Europe.
Every time you travel you think about what to visit in a city, but another very important and underestimated thing is to know the typical dishes of that country or even region; as for example in Italy that each region has a different typical dish.
For example, in Emilia Romagna a famous dish known by all is the "Piadina", today we can define it as a MUST that everyone must try at least once in their life.
Moving towards the south, exactly in Sicily, with the "Panella". It is a pancake with chickpea flour, it is a typical street food of the Parlermitana cuisine.
In addition to Italy, countries also have their typical dishes abroad.
In Portogallo it is the "Bifana", it is a sandwich with pork inside.
Moving to England with "Fish and Chips", an internationally known dish.
"Gyros", a typical dish from Greece, is very similar to Kebab, stuffed with pork that is cooked on long skewers and cut into thin slices.
It is a popular dish both in Greece and in Albania in taverns and taverns that is served at the table.
Pirukas is a typical snack from Estonia, it consists of a closed puff pastry with some ingredients inside.
The "Langos" is a round shaped Hungarian flatbread generally fried covered with garlic sour cream and abundant grated gouda cheese typical of Hungary.
And what are you waiting for to try them !!