Each of us has his own reason or purpose for which he decides to take a trip, but only recently have we all done it and also to have fun.
Man has always been a traveler. For man, travel has always been an irrepressible need for our species, as travel is not only a perfect metaphor to describe the arc of human existence.
In recent decades it has become a pleasure within everyone's reach; to the point that with the stop to travel imposed by the pandemic, many felt in a cage.
Travel is also synonymous with swimming and relaxation, and with the continuous improvement of transport it has been increasingly easier to move to the beach or to exotic places.
But are we really all travelers or tourists?
What is certain is that we are all born travelers.
Not everyone travels in the same way and not everyone has suffered the same stop.
According to tourism psychologists, the factors that motivate us to travel are always of two types and I respond to the so-called "push and attract" theory: on the one hand there is the internal drive to move due to elements such as the desire to escape from routine, the need for relaxation, social prestige, the need for relationships and communication with others; on the other hand, the external factors that attract us, such as the beauty or uniqueness of a destination, the activities that we can carry out there, the local culture, nature and so on.
While another American psychologist says that the internal needs are what drive us to travel, the external elements of attraction make us choose the destination that best meets our needs.